Örnek ingilizce paragraflar | examples of English paragraphs

Uzun süre aradan sonra blog yazmaya devam edeceğim,birçok şey öğrendim,öğreniyorum .Şuan ingilizce hazırlık okuyorum.İngilizce çalışırken hazırladığım paragrafları sizlere sunmayı düşünüyorum {hocalarımın düzeltiği paragrafları tabikide } ayrıca blogları türkçe ve ingilizce olarak yazmaya çalışıcam :) ilginiz için teşekkürler

I return to write blogs for a long time ago.I learned a lot of something and I'm learning .I'm studying prep school in now.I want to show my training paragraphs.My lecturers fix to my mistakes.I'm will write my blog with English and Turkish both of them.


In my opinion, concentration is the most important talent in human life.New generation can't concentrate is his skills, responsibilities and other things.We have got a lot of reasons.The first reason is social media apps.We are following friends, family members.etc but we can't focus self-respect or we can't educate ourselves.I think social media applications only feeding human egos.I can explain that the situation, however, this subject interest in unconscious mind.When you get a notice in social media applications.Your brain said"I'm an important person" and record your unconscious mind.İt is my theory but I have got a lot of evidences.İf you look at your environment, you will agree with me.Another reason is motivation.We don't ask for ourselves,"what do ı love " and "what is my talent","what makes me happy".Old times, people didn't have loss of concentration problems because they didn't work under pressure(it depends on an environment).They didn't have future anxiety but education systems are using future anxiety, its harmful for the brain.We must learn to use motivation but we use future anxiety.Another example job life, industrial countries focus productivity and creativity but third world countries focus on long work hours.Last reason is a diet.We can't eat natural foods.We are eating chemical weapons.I think,desert,pills,junk foods,gdo foods damage the brain chemical balance.Therefore we can't focus on the life( buraya birseyler ekleyebilirsiniz,you can add something)

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